Sunday, March 04, 2007

CFLAG Weighs In

Jane Tully -- founder of CFLAG (Clergy friends and family of lesbians and gays) -- has written a most excellent letter to her members calling them to action to speak out in this "post-Communique" conversation.

You can read the whole letter here but this is the word of hope I wanted to highlight this morning before I dash off to church:

Jane writes: For those of us who are heterosexual, the Episcopal Church’s experience of being misunderstood, threatened, and possibly exiled gives us only a tiny glimpse of the extended and often extreme suffering our LGBT loved ones have lived with for most of their lives—in families, in church, and in society. More than ever, they need to know that they are not alone. We families and friends share the suffering. Let’s look together for more ways to make that clear to more people.

God bless Jane Tully!

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